Training Command – Military Academy in the media: a soldier with extensive experience in Afghanistan visited Rajhrad’s senior citizens.

VeV-VA v médiích: Mezi rajhradské seniory zavítal voják s bohatou praxí v Afghánistánu

On Tuesday 9th February Sergeant Major Peter Arvay of Training Command – Military Academy, who has already participated in four military missions in Afghanistan, visited an old people’s home in Rajhrad. He was talking to curious listeners about a distant country and his personal experiences there.

Peter Arvay has spent 24 months in total in Afghanistan carrying out his military duty, so he knew very well what he was talking about. The seniors learned from him that the country is 4700 km far from us, and the usual temperature is 40 degrees in the shade and 60 in the sun. The landscape is harsh and poor and the entire country, in our view, backward. There are basic utilities missing, such as electricity, water and sewer system or proper roads. For example, villagers go to the river where they get water for drinking and washing, although it is dirty. There is only one asphalt road in the country.

The people are used to harsh conditions, and despite being poor, they are manually and commercially competent. The Afghans are of various nationalities so they speak different languages. Villages are governed by a council of elders and the Imam. Boys are given great attention since their childhood whereas girls are marginalized. For example, boys go to stone schools, however, girls learn in tents. Girls are given only a basic education and they must walk around completely covered from the age of 13 until their death.

The lecture also included a small exhibition of our troops’ equipment. The seniors learnt that the complete gear means 35 extra kilos, which isn’t exactly pleasant in scorching heat. In addition to interesting photographs, the seniors could also see video-documentaries showing bomb attacks on military convoys. Thus, they all realized that there is nothing to envy our soldiers in Afghanistan.


Návštěvník (10. February 2016)