Leden 2016

Konference "Příprava personálu rezortu Ministerstva obrany"

Velitelství výcviku – Vojenská akademie pořádá ve dnech 9. – 10. března 2016 konferenci s názvem „Příprava personálu rezortu Ministerstva obrany“. Obsahově navazuje na konferenci, která byla pořádána v únoru 2015. Záštitu nad konferencí převzali náčelník Generálního štábu AČR generálporučík Ing. Josef BEČVÁŘ a velitel VeV – VA plukovník gšt. Ing. Josef KOPECKÝ, MSc.


It is important to be able to protect our homeland, members of the Active Reserve agree.

Je třeba umět bránit vlast, shodují se adepti Aktivní zálohy

Sixteen candidates, including two women. This is this year’s first group, which is doing its training at the Training Command – Military Academy in Vyškov. Among the candidates, there is also a city mayor of Frýdek-Místek, Michal Pobucký, whose interest in the Active Reserve has been sparked by the security situation in Europe.


Conference "Training of Personnel within the Ministry of Defence Department"

On 9th and 10th March 2016, the Training Command - Military Academy is holding a conference entitled “Training of Personnel within the Ministry of Defence Department “. In its content, it is a follow-up to the conference which was held in February 2015. The conference is held under the patronage of the Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Josef Bečvář and the Commander of the Training Command – Military Academy, Colonel Josef Kopecký.
